Tuesday, July 29, 2008
--> Everyone needs a guardian angel...
Having me to say to myself that all was past
Do I wish that all was past?
" Some feelings are just to be remain there forever "

12:20 AM--> It's always feel great to know that there is an angel watching over you...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
You dont sense my stay
--> Everyone needs a guardian angel...
No matter how hungry one is, Don't let yourself go to a restaurant....Because you will get disappointed easily but you will find satisfaction if you managed to overcome that difficulty eventually....Okie, that is what my stupid friend had told me just now when I was about to go out to have my late late dinner....Thanks to his rubbish...The thoughts of going to a restaurant appear on my mind...and YES....I went to a restaurant thanks to James rubbish...haha...Lately been quite busy with school work le wor...so that means if any one wanna jio me out ...it will only be possible after 6.45pm....>.<...which means that is a dinner time la...haha....Alright, next monday will be the date to report to hendon camp le...anyone wishing me luck ?..or just like any other ppls? when I told them that I will be going there, they just say..good luck and hope your army life will be fun for you...haha...yay yay, that is a commando camp...so just pray hur...haha....If I am fated to be a commando then really no choice le....As I'm the elders in the 4 brothers of my family...haiz..sad ar..this is what happen when u have more then 1 brothers...so next time when u r planning to give birth...2 is enough le...or maybe 3?...haha....=PK la, Think after james filled me with rubbish i also talking rubbish now...haha....Gtg, Nights and Sweet dreams everyone....=)" I'm sitting down here "

2:35 AM--> It's always feel great to know that there is an angel watching over you...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
--> Everyone needs a guardian angel...
Emptiness or Loneliness? or maybe both? Some feelings are just so hard to differentiate....
" Night fall, Who is the person that your heart is missing? And can she feels it too ? "

3:42 AM--> It's always feel great to know that there is an angel watching over you...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
--> Everyone needs a guardian angel...
Hmm, Some one's blog set me thinking now hur..lol....he just seem to be like me when I was around sec 3...but then, he is better then me..cause I think he at least last for more then 6 yearsle bah...omg, that was like so long....=X Hmm, I was wondering this...why can someone waited for someone so long just by the feelings? And whatmore he/she may or maynot contract each other...if u still waiting for that person..and he/she have fallen for someone else...what would most of u do? lol, k let not talk about this...so today finally my school start le...=)..hohooo...and we kept asking around what u all do ar?..where u all been ar and stuff..hehee...was a fun day when finally start back my school again...=D....k la, shall go bath le...Nights and sweet dreams in advance...=D" 눈을 감아도 내 눈 앞에는 너만 서있어 "僕はまたあなたの事が愛しています知ってる?

12:58 AM--> It's always feel great to know that there is an angel watching over you...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
--> Everyone needs a guardian angel...
Hohoho,, finally I had found this song hur..lol..Song name cute love by solbi...haha...hmm, but now i have another problems is that....I don't have their mp3 version de...>.<...argg...can anyone pls help me find? Then send it to me ? OO, there are cute love by solbi....Love song and propose by Andy lee...which also the first 3 song in my song list..heh....=D" I nv know that I could heard these words again, but this times is in my dreams... "

1:49 PM--> It's always feel great to know that there is an angel watching over you...
Sunday, July 06, 2008
--> Everyone needs a guardian angel...
Alrighty, A birthday post for Miss Juan...

12:41 AM--> It's always feel great to know that there is an angel watching over you...
Thursday, July 03, 2008
--> Everyone needs a guardian angel...
Tuesday:Stay at home the whole morning and afternoon...am playing my game..haha..it's nice okie..even thought some ppl say I siao already...lately keep play game...haha...no choice ma...=p... holiday lei....if didn't go out means stay at home do things le....for me, playing game is also a form of doing thing hur..hehee....>.<Then at night went to chalet--> drink, eat and know quite a lot of ppl sia....but actually quite sian at the beginning part of the BBQ...like our group a bit gong la...one group here and there...then just talk in our own group....but after that also not much different la...lol....Reached home at around 4 then playing game AGAIN then sleep at 6 plus...heh..>.<Wednesday:Hmm, for today, I slept till 3 plus then after that bath le jiu go meet jian and wendy for movie...haha...watched Wanted...hmm, the movie not bad la...but at some point like a bit over la..haha...those killing move is like omg then when at the ending, that one gun shot that spin round the room and killed 9 ppl even more over...lol...but over rall is a 6/10 movie....can go watch it...=) Thursday:Lastly for today, i stay at home la..haha..been going out lately and cash is getting lesser and lesser....shit man...must think of a way to go earn some money....part~time job..I'm coming...hehee..=X" When that day come, I hoped I will be able to say those words to you "

9:13 PM--> It's always feel great to know that there is an angel watching over you...
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
--> Everyone needs a guardian angel...
hoho, finally some update. And recently things been somewhat good and of course there is bad things happen to me too la..haha....Sunday:*Morning*Went out early in the morning at around 9 to botanic garden with mummy to attend my don't know who de ROM...and I am really very surprise to see a lots of aunti wore gown there...omg aunti, its so damm hot there, even thought it was a wedding event. but as for my mum she just wore a dress it's really good enough...as for me I wore a T-shirt + blazer...Due to the hot weather I keep taking on and off my blazer lor...gosh, and those guys there can actually keep wearing it as if like very cold or warm like that....lol...>.<..After that, left home at 12 plus so as to left my blazer at home before going to meet wendy they all....*Afternoon*Went out with my beloved frens on this day too...=)Went to seoul garden in bugis. It's been so long since I went to seoul graden to have my meals. sat there for around 2 plus hours and we play with the food..we fried, steam, boil and bbq the food...luckily I nv have any problems when I got home as for them I not sure liao..hope they fine too...hahahaha...shall upload the photo when I using deskktop..=)...then after that went to walk around bugis...cause really too full liao..lol..then to suntec then link to cityhall which of course home sweet home lastly...=)Really have a fun day with my loved ones cause a very long time nv meet samather le...she's still well, but still short..almost the same height with wendy....haiz...I will surly wish them to get taller, if god give me the 4th wish...lol....really hope to get such gathering again hur...=DMonday:Went out with my family to parkway today, which means shopping whenever I went out with them...haha...cause I no need to pay for whatever I buy...=PWent to topman shop, bought 4 T-shirt but not all 4 were my...1 is or my 3rd brother and another 1 is for my 2nd bother....then another 2 were for me...haha...who called I am the Ist....haha..maybe they can try harder next time by swimming faster...lol...=XAs for the food, we went to nearby coffee shop to eat....then left home....AFter reaching home not long, I went out again...haha...I am a busy man okie..no choice, wanted by too many ppl...=P...but somehow I feel bad for not meeting A~long because this is his very first bookout from camp....>.<..sorry hur..shall meet u this Saturday...=)went to this person de house who named James, and he actually hao yi si to call us help him tidy his place for a while...omg..haha..but was fun...cause instead tidying, we used the sofa de pillow to begin a throwing pillow fight...haha.....OO, 6 ppl were there....James, simin, ying jie+BF. Eunice and me...heh....then rot at his house to play PS3, gossiping and FOOOOOD...wahahaha....Rot till 5 plus then we went home le...=DAnyway, peoples....if wants to meet me just give me a call hur...=)Miss u all much...>.<" The difference between Lke and love is that, Like can only last you for a short period of time while Love can last till you are dead "

3:10 AM--> It's always feel great to know that there is an angel watching over you...